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The Bishstrong Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which aims to inspire and encourage individuals with spinal cord injuries or limited mobility issues to remain active. Our foundation will provide resources aimed at helping individuals to become more independent and lead healthy fulfilling lifestyles.

About the

There are approximately 18,000 new spinal cord injuries per year. Traumatic spinal cord injuries place a huge financial burden on individuals and their families. These costs can vary with level of injury. For a C4 quadriplegic like DJ the costs are estimated to be over $1,000,000 first year and can run as high as $200,000 for each year after, yet the costs are extremely high for anyone with paralysis.


These costs include acute care and lengthy rehabilitation hospital stays. Once leaving the hospital there are home modifications, handicapped vehicles, and special adaptive devices that need to be purchased. Caregivers need to be hired. Many of these items are not covered by insurance.

Adaptive equipment is very expensive but it is necessary to remain active to avoid secondary complications. Benefits to remaining active are improved cardiovascular health, decreased muscle spasms, increased bone density, and overall physical and mental health. Through fundraising we will provide financial assistance to qualified individuals in the form of grants to assist in the purchase of adaptive equipment.

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